Closed Beta Testing Page

Washington Has Fallen Minecraft Adventure for Bedrock - Development Closed Beta Test Tracking

All lives matter in Minecraft Washington Has Fallen


Public Beta testing closed at the beginning of 2022 due to lack of public Minecraft community interest.

In 2023 a new team will beta test the update 2022 version of the game. Video will be available of the tests on our Beta Testing Channel on YouTube.

There will be no pre-public releases of the 2022 or 2023 version of the game, instead, once we feel confident the game is ready, we will release the completed version for free public download and play. (It will still require a licensed version of Life Boat's Washington DC world template to play that game, since we used it as a base template.)


Recently finished all of the updates, and revisions needed for the Washington Has Fallen, Mission in Wuhan China, (aka Wahoo Providence). There are still a couple of annoying bugs that need fixed in this mission, before moving on.
Some of the recent game updates for Minecraft Bedrock messed up different aspects of the original coding, so those keep appearing.

Though 99% of Washington Has Fallen is completed, beta testing is just a slow moving part of the project. There is still 80% more beta testing to go, and that does not include any time required to fix bugs and code.

* Removed Raid From Wahoo Mission
* Closed beta testing ended due to back log of fixes needed - unable to play through effectively for a smooth beta flow.

The Great Wall of Wahoo China - Washington Has Fallen


Redesigned China lab Raid to a Custom Raid. Redesigned Lab Floor 2 for more space. Relocated Pentagon key. Built new command area in wahoo (see offline digital notes). Added kill switch to raid. Removed Pressure pad marketplace flooring. Fixed Great Wall of China Doors. Redesigned the great wall of china and added kill switches and mission progression. Corrected Lab Spawn point. (See written notes for other areas needing adjustments in China.)

 xxx-xx-xxx  Door was already opened, need to reset door to closed / locked

Pentagon triggers to many mobs, the mobs are interfering with respawn points and internal missions. Need to add a trigger or delay to remove the initial mob trigger to cap the amount of mobs able to spawn

Beta Session 3 - Make Pentagon Missions activate separately, only after another area is completed. (Trigger omega button from creator room) Add a mob kill switch to Pentagon to limit mob triggers when multiplayers are involved.

Add spawn point to locker trigger at pentagon to spawn in front of pentagon

Extend delay of lab front door cubes or change where and how they get triggered.

 xxx-xx-xxx check gold armor to make sure all sets are there

Check how blue box in wahoo is being trigger opened

Per BlessedHeart - There needs to be some kinds of map in washington -> Create a blank map that records areas explored and place it in the storage area of the tower.

NPC at wahoo didn't open lab door when given correct keywords

Add NPC guides in Washington that can drop hints and tips about how to find locations.

Reduce delay for opening of castle door or change trigger method

Starting mission: Need to change how the exit door triggers, make it trigger from the upper room storage area. 

Your Mission is to destroy the Wahoo Virus Lab In China - Washington Has Fallen

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