Showing posts with label Minecraft Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minecraft Development. Show all posts

Washington Has Fallen End of Summer 2022 Update

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 Still slowly working out those beta bugs.

Progress on Washington Has Fallen continues, albeit slowly. Minecraft has received a lot of updates since we began coding the Washington Has Fallen adventure, and some of them have changed the way parts of the game was originally coded.

We originally used a strategy throughout the world that forced key NPC characters to self propel themselves over distances while triggering events along the way to set up some of the missions players would encounter next.

It was a unique idea in which an action by a player would TP the unknown and hidden NPC Character to a special area onto a pressure plate which in turn would trigger a series of command block commands, along with moving the NPC to its next area until the player arrived.

Originally it worked, because in the first introduction of NPC's into the Bedrock version of Minecraft, they had weight and could trigger a pressure plate when they landed on them.  But in newer updates of Minecraft, the player has to be present where the NPC is being teleported from, so it became no longer to self-teleport the NPC that had been teleported beyond the block limits of the player.  The command blocks would return an error, "Unable to place block outside of world".

That has created a ton of extra work as we were design the missions of the game impacted by the changes.

One way it's good, because originally we were teleporting and triggering blocks every so many block chunks within the players range. Since that it no longer working either, were now just teleporting the NPC's wherever they are going, and recoding the local activity locally.

Another good thing about it, is some in-between missions required a lot of running around and searching for buildings in Washington DC which is massive.  That created a lull in the adventure experience. So we've been forced to create new areas that originally didn't exist and some mini-missions that didn't originally exists.

The downside however, is its creating a whole lot of new unexpected work, a whole lot of new coding, and going through the original coding to figure out what we originally did and how it originally worked so we can write new code and make some aspects simpler.

For example.  In the original final beta version, the player trigger an action that sent the NPC jumping by itself and triggering different set-ups about four times on it's way to the White House.  That way, by the time the player would reach the White House, everything would be ready to go and the NPC would be in place.

But, with the changes Minecraft has made, we've had to instead make seven new mini-missions in between the location the player ends the previous mission before reaching the White House Mission which is a major mission in the game.

For example, the player originally never needed to visit the Hospital in Washington DC.  Now the player has three new missions before reaching the Hospital.  The Hospital never had a "Chapel".  But we needed an area that made sense within the overall game to propel the game forward, so we had to build this Hospital Chapel.

Every Hospital Needs a chapel

We thought the Chapel would be enough, but when testing it out, it connected to the original NPC jumping points which no longer work.  So several of the areas we built recently ended up being unused.  Instead as we beta tested this part of the progression of the game this morning, we realized the Hospital Chapel is actually going to end up being an important part of moving the game forward.

Of course I can write about it all I want, but it won't make much sense until you eventually have a chance to play, and by that time, we'll have already worked out the new coding.

That being said, it's exciting to finally be almost to the White House.  The White House Mission is one of the major missions and contains enormous amounts of coding and activity.  It's one those parts in the game for those of us doing the coding that lets us know we've reached a good place.

Though we'll certainly have to do more creative work arounds once we get past the White House Mission, its a good place.  Hopefully, the White House mission will require little if any new revisions.  It's been beta tested more than any other mission, only uses NPC's to trigger local events and is self contained.

We'll be about half way done with the current beta test repairs and fixing bugs when the White House mission is done.

Q: How long does it take

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Q: How long does it take to develop and design a #Minecraft adventure like #WashingtonHasFallen?

A: So far two years, and that is having started with the #LifeBoat #WashingtonDC as a template to save time. Add two years if you design all buildings.

Bottom line is, it partly depends on a lot of different factors. Washington Has Fallen encompasses multiple large missions with complex coding.  When the project began, SkyThrusters the project creator had only been playing Minecraft for about five months so he had to research, study and teach himself coding in Redstone, which is the most basic version of Minecraft coding.

The first version of the Washington Has Fallen adventure was coded entirely in Redstone, using Redstone machines and contraptions.  This kind of coding is ok for mini-games and if you are building in vanilla Minecraft in native survival game mode.  However it is problematic for bigger projects, because Redstone machines require complicated coding and massive amounts of space.

By the time the main storyline, new infrastructure, an missions has been completed, SkyThrusters had taught himself the advanced coding using command blocks and command codes.  This was a breakthrough, because it reduced the time required to code a mission by 95%, and similarly reduced the space required for coding to around 90%, when compared to Redstone coding alone.

Fortunately, by the time the majority of the core coding began, SkyThursters had already moved the coding to using command blocks and command codes. That makes repairing bugs much easier, because if something is not working as programmed, it is usually a piece of bad code.

Command codes also make it easy to reset a mission or event after it has been played, but requires a lot of forethought compared to RedStone coding.  Redstone coding has the advantage, that it almost always includes a switch or more that start the event. Because Redstone machines are "Hard wired", as long as no dispensers are involved that require being refilled, it resets itself.  Where as, a command block machine needs a command block switch that begins the event, and then resets itself after a certain amount of time.  That can be tricky, depending on how complex the machine is, but command blocks make it possible to create complex machines much easier and in a tiny amount of space.

During the current and final beta testing of the Washington Has Fallen, Minecraft adventure, when we have to go in to fix a bug, we're also reviewing and inspecting its necessity by asking the following questions. 
  • Is this event still needed?
  • Can we change the way it was originally coded to make it work better?
  • Does it still make sense in the storyline?
  • Do we need to add more coding and additional features?
  • Does this part of the mission flow well, or do we need to add in hints or NPC guides to provide more information about what is expected?
  • Are there any final design changes to the buildings or mission that will improve its appearance?
As of May 15, 2022 we just completed "final" beta testing of Mission four and five.

Mission one, had minor redesigns but no new features.

Mission two, had no redesigns and no new coding because it is so simple.

Mission three, consists of four different sections, but only had minor redesign and minor recoding.

Mission four, is one of the entirely original world areas that didn't exist in Life Boat's Washington DC template.  It is one of the larger and more complex coding projects, consists of eight different sections. It received some major redesign, new coding, new features during it's final beta testing.

Mission Five we finished final beta testing early this morning. Similar to Mission four, Mission Five occurs in the US Capital, so it is quite large and expands over four floors of the building. This mission required significant recoding to make the sequence of events flow smoothly and reduce the error ratio. Some of the coding in Mission five uses timers to trigger events. Its largest mission features has to perform a bunch of events sequentially in a matter of seconds or the player gets killed and that particular mission gets messed up.  It's only been tested with a single player so far, and we learned during the original live team beta test that having multiple players doing missions together, often creates unintended events, especially when they occur in small spaces.  So it's possible, this mission may need to be revisited more in the future.  

There are still a whole lot more missions to test and fix.  How many?  That is a great question, because when we were designing Washington Has Fallen, we didn't have a set amount of missions in mind, just the story line.  So no one has counted yet.  We're actually counting as we do the final beta test.  A mission often contains five to six self contained missions. We're only counting the entire mission, since its basically like reading the chapter of a book, and sequintial.

For example, if I break down Mission three into the "tasks" or mini-missions required to finish it, it contains at least twenty different stages.

One problem is finding Minecraft players who want to test it, but even more so, is finding Minecraft players who will actually tell us the bugs they encounter. Most just want to try it out and get a basic idea of the adventure or try to look at the coding.  No one wants to actually contribute to helping use find the problems, so that means we are having to do the play through tests and then debug too.  Chances are high, we're only catching the big bugs.  The big bugs are the most important bugs, because they break the flow of the game and prevent moving forward to the next mission.  We built the adventure so it progresses. Most of the missions are locked until you finish the previous mission.  Some of the missions can be explored externally, which ultimately could mess up one or two of them that are dependent of moveable objects. It's possible that those may end up being fixed now that we moved to command coding events.

Check back later for more updates. 

Minecraft Washington Has Fallen Adventure Mission 4 Update

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Finished Debugging Minecraft Mission 4 in WashingtonHasFallen - get a peek at how a Not-gate works to create a hidden sliding door.

Washington Has Fallen Mission 4 Not-Gate Repair in Minecraft

No new beta release update will come out until the Mission 5 updates are done. Shouldn't take to long hopefully, because there are only two or three reported bugs. The rest are navigational NPC's to help make the flow and time required to complete Mission 5 a little quicker. Mission 5 is honestly one of the more fun and surprising missions.

Easter Weekend 2022 Washington Has Fallen Minecraft Beta Release

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New Public Beta Version H-4-15-22

Hey it's Easter Weekend, so we made sure to release a new public beta for the Washington Has Fallen Minecraft Adventure for Bedrock platforms.

Version H-4-15-22 fixes hundreds of bugs that were found in the Wuhan China Virus Mission. (We call it Wahoo in Minecraft, because otherwise progressive politicians and social media will whine and for some reason attempt to protect Dr. Fauci's government funded experiments in Wuhan China. Let's call it what it really is)
Get the updated version from our downloads page.

Washington Has Fallen - Wuhan China Virus Mission (But we call it Wahoo)
  • This beta release introduces tons of new code for the Wahoo Mission.
  • We spend an enormous amount of time hunting down some really tricky bugs and recoded them.
  • One bug we couldn't figure out despite hundreds of hours, days and weeks of investigation, so we built around the bug, added in new code and created a new experience as a result. To be honest the bug actually ended up making that part of the mission more fun, have a better flow, and worked out really well.
  • We had to rethink a few parts of the mission that we didn't consider when originally building the massive Wahoo Mission world.
  • We tested the mission from beginning to end and everything seems to be working correctly now. There may be moments in this particular mission that it seems things kind of stand still or make the adventurer think a bug has occurred, but those are built in intentionally as part of the mission.
  • This particular mission is that it is a massive puzzle that keeps changing while it's being played. If you have ever played the adventure game called Zork, you'll have a better understanding of what we did.
Washington Has Fallen - Wuhan China Virus Mission (But we call it Wahoo)

The Hate and Hypocrisy in America and Washington is real.

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 Yes, we're on Twitter

When RGAP Creative launched our website page indicating that we would be releasing the upcoming public beta of Washington Has Fallen parody adventure for Minecraft.  

By the next morning, our website had been taken down having been reported as a spam site by those who hate the message of the game.  "It's up to you, to make America, great again".

Building on fire during riot in Washington Has Fallen

It is ironic, that there are those with hate and bitter ugliness in their souls who live their daily lives looking for opportunities to create a world in the image of their own internal darkness.

We see this permeating through Washington's progressive left public politics and policies, in their twisted attempt to turn citizens against each other by branding them haters, racists, Nazi's, fascists', etc.  

It is apparent that it has corrupted and divided America so deeply, it's very likely a civil war led by liberals is coming in the years ahead if this propaganda, manipulation and culture appropriation continues in politics.

There is an often quoted verse in the bible that essentially states - "A nation divided against itself will fall", and that is where we are today in the "United States".

The verse appears in the books of Matthew and Mark.

Matthew, 12:25: “And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”

Mark 3:25
If a house is divided against itself, it cannot stand.

RGAP Creative is on Twitter, there is perhaps no other social network where the dark evil residue continually permeates 24 hours a day.  It reminds me of the scene of the Matrix where Agent Smith is trying to get the hostage held, Morpheus to break.  Agent Smith becomes enraged because Morpheus is strong, he goes into this rant about how he hates the smell of the Matrix environment:

Agent Smith:
I'm going to be honest with you. I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it. I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it.


 #CancelCulture on Twitter is like Agent Smith in the #Matrix

It's possible that our literal observation of this shift in the American culture and society as far back as 2009, is where all of our creative concepts began at some point.  After all, by the end of 2018, Washington Has Fallen had already been written, coded, designed.  We did do modifications and updates till the end of 2019 as Washington and American continued to unravel in ways never seen before.

We created a Minecraft adventure that mirrored real life events occurring, we created a storyline in that in many ways, turned out to be almost prophetic in several of the missions. We created things that hadn't happened yet, what amazing coincidences they turned out to be.

Our adventure is intentionally a parody, yet there are those who are so afraid of the national awakening of the Silent Majority and once passive Catholic and Christian communities, that even a non-fiction parody game about the kidnapping of the President Trump, with the goal of rescuing him and returning him to the White House, frightens them.

I believe we did a really good job encapsulating the political lunacy happening with cancel culture and the attack on the conservative and middle class throughout the entire game. It wasn't hard, we just watched the news each day and developed ideas from there.

Oh no! Nancy Pelosi has taken Devin Nunez hostage

Sorry to tell those of you who want to cancel us and censor our free speech. Were going to keep cranking away on the Washington Has Fallen Adventure until it's out of Beta and ready for uninterrupted fun on Minecraft.

Your attempts to shut us down, cancel us, call us names ultimately doesn't matter. Because we're not making any money off this awesome parody adventure for Minecraft.  So just stop bugging us.  If you're trying to censor us, impeded our free speech, or just be a plain old jerk, you should really take a hard honest look at your own life.  One day, its very possible you'll experience the "Boy who cried wolf" story and no one is going to come to help.

Whether you believe in God or Karma; Truth, Light, Exposure, always ends up coming.  So don't get caught with your pants around your knees.

And on that note, our Twitter Account is back online.  Did you really think Twitter is going to take an account down just for talking with others about Minecraft, discussing ideas with other Minecraft Developers, and posting updates about the Washington Has Fallen Parody Adventure Beta Test Progression?   

Well they didn't and even if they did, we're on other social networks too. If you don't like the game, maybe you shouldn't be playing Minecraft at all.

- Admin. RGAP Creative

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