Showing posts with label ZORK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ZORK. Show all posts

Introducing INVERSE our next Minecraft Adventure

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Started working on INVERSE the next RGAP Creative Minecraft Studio's project, since Beta Testing is currently on hold waiting for a co-testor on the Washington Has Fallen Adventure.

INVERSE was conceptualized in 2021 during the introduction of the idea and discussion with several members of the Planet Minecraft Community and additionally in 2022. Originally the idea was to re-create a Minecraft version of the 1980's text adventure graphically of ZORK. Past attempts had been made by other Minecraft creators that failed miserably. However, when reviewing the requirements to create ZORK in Minecraft, I realized that all the coding techniques except one or two had already been designed and developed for the Washington Has Fallen adventure.

First few hours developing the first building in INVERSE

During the final work of 2022 on Washington Has Fallen, the missing requirements that would be needed for ZORK were developed for a mission in WHF, making it now possible to pursue that project.

Unfortunately, Microsoft now owns all of the Infocom games including all eleven of the ZORK releases, which means if developed for commercial releases as intended, it wouldn't be possible due to copyright.

INVERSE will feature an underground environment

ZORK 1 is believed to currently be in the public domain, but after consideration, I decided to develop an original Adventure called INVERSE which will utilized some of the same concepts found in ZORK, but with an original plot, story, characters and objective.

This will make it possible to offer the final version of INVERSE in the Minecraft Marketplace and hopefully help fund future projects.

Photos are from the first work of several hours. Working on the first infrastructure.

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